Warragul Theatre Organ Society Incorporated
Inc. No. A00 19468 P   ABN: 92 750 384

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The Grand Opening

of the

3/10 WurliTzer Theatre
Pipe Organ

The event included four Concerts, Lunches and a Convention Dinner.


Saturday, 22 March 2008

2pm  Grand Opening Concert

Tony Fenelon and John Atwell on the 3/10 Wurlitzer Theatre Pipe Organ.

8.15pm  Concert

Scott Harrison (Organist) and Mark Page (Pianist).

Sunday, 23 March 2008

2pm  Concert

David Johnston (Organist), Leon Duncan (Percussionist) and Michael Saunders (Pianist).

8pm Final Concert

David Johnston and Friends.
Silent Movie - The Kid Stakes.



Tony and John unveil the console
for its First Concert

On the Concert Platform

Artists and Committee members

Standing Ovation



Enjoy browsing the GALLERY - photos, posters and notes
plus visit the Events and History Archives

Grand Opening program included 4 concerts

Grand Opening Concert with John Atwell at the Wurlitzer
accompanied by Tony Fenelon at the Grand Piano


The audience was delighted as 
Tony Fenelon (left)
and John Atwell (right) each gave our new organ a 'great work out'.

They 'teamed up' for fantastic duets featuring organ and piano.

Full House for the Grand Opening Concert


Artists Tony Fenelon and John Atwell with our State and Shire sponsor's reps. Gary Blackwood MLA and Cr Bill Harrington



David Johnston at the console for the 
Sunday Night - Final Concert

David utilizing his skilful artistry to provide live music and sound effects to accompany the silent movie "The Kid Stakes"



Grand Opening
Sunday Afternoon

Leon Duncan on Vibraphone accompanied by David Johnston on the Wurlitzer


David presented a number of solo pieces, demonstrating the capabilities of the 3/10 Wurlitzer


(Below)  The three STARS of the Sunday Afternoon Concert with Convention Convenor Norma Wilson

Michael Saunders - "I'll play blindfolded."  He was brilliant on piano

Dynamic Duo - Michael Saunders on piano and
Leon Duncan on Percussion

Leon Duncan - "Let's double the tempo."



Scott Harrison (Organist) and Mark Page (Pianist + Piper); David Johnston plays the bagpipes also! 
Scott, Mark and David played together in a grand FINALE.



Out in the Autumn sunshine - The Convention crowd enjoyed an alfresco Luncheon at Wesley


Some POSTERS from our Concerts

For MORE posters, dates and photos, visit the   Events Archive 

